Peace is a state of inner wealth.
When you are connected with the source of your existence you have found your ultimate security and you have no need to grasp externally for this security. Where as, if this connection with source is absent then you will project this inner lack out onto the world. Nothing out there will truly appease you but you won't be able to stop yourself from trying to find it "out there". Even if you find something that feels like wealth it will not fill the inner lack and you will keep accumulating it. This could be a definition of greed.
How do we connect with Source?
Human beings seem to come in three basic varieties: body centered, heart centered and head centered. If you're a body centered person then the Dan Tien ( physical center of the body ) is a good way for you to connect with source.
Dan Tien
The Dan Tien ( from the chinese ) is a point located three fingers below the naval and three fingers in from that point. Breathing into this point will give you energy and it will balance the rest of your body. They say " You cannot go crazy if you put your mind in your Dan Tien".
Heart Center
Although there is some different opinions, the most common stated location of the heart center is at the lower end of the sternum. Feeling the heart beat at this location will tune you into your emotions and catalyze the feeling of oneness.