How is it possible for someone to grow up and live in our culture and still be so unique?


This what my wife's best friend asked after meeting me for the first time and seeing me perform at a house concert.

It starts with self esteem and courage, enough self esteem to value your own vision of yourself and the world and the courage to want to manifest it. Then it takes some imagination, the imagination to create an activity that will develop that vision.

This vision and activity may not look like anything anyone else may be envisioning or doing.  That's where, once again, self esteem and courage come to play.

 Now discipline is needed to repeat the activity for however long it takes to bring the vision into manifestation. This must happen on a regular basis, whether it is once a day or once a week. In any case it must happen with a kind of religious ferocity. You will be the only one keeping tabs. You will be the supervisor and your dedication is crucial.

People may question your vision and your use of time. You may question these yourself. The activity may require tweaking but you will need to persist with the activity for the vision to be realized.

At some point this persistence turns into a habit, a habit that begins to have a life of it's own. This habit may appear strange to an onlooker, but if you remain true to your vision and the pathway to it's realization, then you will have carved out your own unique fulfillment in your life.

May you be fulfilled by the expression of your essence, no matter how unique or ordinary it is.