by torsion | Dec 8, 2017 | Class |
What do we mean by evolution? Evolution is an arc starting from the most essential and subjective, moving towards increasing complexity and objectivity and back to that unified oneness once again. Along the way many polarities are encountered, embraced and resolved....
by torsion | Sep 15, 2017 | Class |
This month's POISE class will focus on the Process Enneagram and it's use as a Daily Organizer. The Process Enneagram is a map for process that allows an individual, couple, group or collective to self organize in a way that is empowering for all involved. Note: this...
by torsion | Dec 24, 2016 | Articles |
This is an excellent article about how Gabrille Roth`s Five Movement Styles are being used in large organizations to navigate the cycles of Transformation ...
by torsion | Dec 22, 2016 | Articles |
This is an excellent article about how Frederick Matthias Alexander's (Alexander Technique) story is a classic example of moving around the wheel of change as represented by the enneagram. ...
by torsion | Dec 13, 2016 | Blog |
When superimposed on the enneagram, Sir Issac Newton’s 1665 prism experiment becomes a metaphor for the role of human beings on Earth. Point 9 is the Sun, God or Source. At point 1, this light comes through the aperture of our soul and creates a singular soul ray...